Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Skydive

New Zealand is known as a place where most of the de riguer activities involving some form of falling. I knew that at one point I would do a skydive and a bungy jump on this trip. My travel guide mentions about 17 times that the cheapest skydive in the world is in Taupo. You can imagine where I decided to do it. Luckily Walter had the same exact thought process as me and we set off from Rotorua to go hurl ourselves out of a plane.
We had made our reservation a few days earlier knowing that the day we chose was going to be some of the best weather that week. Since it was dismal weather that day the jump center was staffed by a lone employee who told us an interesting story about how a woman had gotten a free jump the other day and now they insist on collecting credit card information before people jump that way they can't just walk off after the jump like she did.
We had been told that the whole process was like being in the army. Hurry up and wait. We were forced to endure a 10 minute upsell explaining why we had to have the DVD and the Handycam package so we could show all of our friends and family our skydiving experience. Considering it almost doubled the price I was fine with just jumping out of a plane. Walter with his superior Euro exchange rate decided to go for it.
After some posing in our flightsuits we met the people who we would be strapped to. Luckily my guy was Swedish so we were able to talk about some Swedes who we both admire : Lundqvist, Forsberg, Sundin, etc...
With some handy rubber banding George was able to go for a 15,000 foot adventure and since Walter had paid for the photo package I gave him the monkey.

There were no adventures upon landing and the monkey made it down intact. Now all I have left is some bungy and my huge splurges in NZ will be over.

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