Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A poetic update

I know that I haven't posted for awhile. Mostly because my life was sort of boring relaxing in the North, Wellington, and Christchurch until I found a car and could start touring again. To summarize some of my adventures I give you a collection of haikus chronicling my past month:


Walter left me here
This city is boring as
But I made latkes.

Tairua to Wellington:

Buses are quite slow
Carey ate a Fried Mars Bar
Ew... It's Wellington!


Our Brooklyn is best
Carey's roomate is friendly
Sad we harass her.

Saw Ben Button Film
Should have seen it by myself
My friends lack good taste


Met random people
Slept in a halfway house... Really
Heard good stories there.

Stayed with lots of friends
Very sick of the hostel crowd
Couchsurfing saved me.

Met Robin's Aussie friend
went Rock climbing and shooting
I enjoy the locals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remember the haiku i wrote you???? do you remember it?